Remember white

Shoe Shame

No more scruffy looking sneakers! Shoe Shame wants to challenge the world to always wear clean and fresh sneakers. A brand with a clear connection to fashion and streetwear. Driven by a sneaker obsession, we apply our expertise to develop the most efficient and user-friendly products on the market that keep your sneakers box fresh. 

Shoe Shame

Shoe Shame wants to be everyone’s little helper, a friendly reminder on how to get a new habit in place. The habit of including “sneaker care” into everyone’s daily routine, is almost like brushing your teeth. Enjoy the pride and joy of box fresh sneakers. 

Let’s get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to help! 

Nordisk natur

Take care of yourself and your belongings

At Brunngård we realize that we all need to change our way of living to manage the planet’s resources. We know that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something, which we summarize in our motto: Every step counts.